I'm not dead yet, but I'm not much alive either - I have so much work this semester that I will have hardly any time for Warhammer until April or May. I'm hardly ever at home, so the only thing I can do now is to hoard stuff. Therefore, excuse me for my delay, I promise I'll make up for it in summer!
Anyways, I thought I could share few pictures of my nearly finished Terminators. They still need a lot of work - bases, custom decals and ofcourse, a careful check for mistakes, and some more details, too.
As you can see, I'm trying to customize these, since the AOBR terminators are rather... boring and duplicate. Commander set helped a lot with this one.
Another bad thing about AOBR terminators is their lack of special weapons. Luckily, I have a shiny metal assault cannon from a friend!
I guess you noticed the color scheme difference. I used white as a veteran color on a first bunch of termies, and then switched to Mithril Silver - but I couldn't imagine a Terminator without it's classy white helmet, so I kept that on. So right now I have two red/white termies, and three red/silver ones! Let's see the difference closer:

I think I'll stay with the silver scheme because it makes the terminator look more battle-worn (and I'm going for that look in this army), but the unit is a mess. I hope it doesn't matter that much, because I really don't feel like repainting the white ones. Opinions are welcome though!
Anyways, I'm afraid this is all for now, and for few weeks (perhaps months) as well. :sight: See you in summer.
I like the silver crux too. I think Sergeants have those while regular guys have less decorated ones on their armour.
OdpovědětVymazatA little battle damage and it might blend in nicely. Too much though and you run the risk of it looking like a mistake.
Black Dot Barrel
Thank you for the advice! Since only two of the squad have white cruxes, I think I'll consider them "newly promoted" battle brothers, and try to make them blend in as good as possible.