I'm sorry for inactivity, just have too much trouble IRL right now. Can't wait to get back to Warhammer!
Anyways, I have finished an Eldar jetbike, craftworld Alaitoc. While I like the way the front plate went out, I'm rather dissatisfied with the rest. I will try a much lighter color scheme next time (I have a whole Eldar battleforce ready for assembly here). While I have used Mordian Blue, Enchanted Blue, Ice Blue and Asurmen Blue on the Jetbike, I plan to use mainly Ice Blue / Asurmen Blue on the Guardians. I hope it will bring a more contrasting result.
Here are pictures of the jetbike:
Well, that is all. Since I'm new to the Eldar, I would really welcome any sort of tips and criticism!
Ergotoxin out.
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