They are far from perfect but I think they'll look well on table. Painting AOBR marines was just pain; I find their poses extremely lackey. Actually there are only 8 AOBR marines; two were already painted in Ultramarines colors, so I have replaced them with marines from the battleforce. They definately make the squad seem more lively.
Here is sergeant Lucius, along with two of his faithful marines.
I am not fond of the sergeant model, his pose does not make much sense. If I'll ever get my hands on another AOBR sergeant, I'll try to convert him a bit with Green Stuff.
I have equipped him with a meltabomb, you can see it behind his leg. I am working on a meltagun marine now, who might replace this squad's flamer. With a meltagun, melta bombs and a missile launcher, this could be a good anti-vehicle squad.
Missile Launcher Marine is probably the most interesting of the AOBR tacticals. He has some nice unique details, like the backpack or the stormtrooper-style helmet.
Here is the flamer marine, who will be possibly replaced, and the two battleforce marines.
Here is the whole squad again:
...And here is a better view of the transfers:
Note that you can find the Genesis Chapter logo sheet on Bell of Lost Souls.
Anyways, back to painting now! I will post the meltagun marine soon, as well as the Dreadnought, now with Genesis Chapter markings.
Thanks for reading! As always, opinions are most welcome.
They look good. I think that making the helmet lenses a different color would help them pop more.
OdpovědětVymazatLooking good, furthering sonsoftsurus' point could I suggest green for the lenses possibly
OdpovědětVymazatThank you! I'll experiment with the colors a bit, I think orange, yellow or light blue could be good as well.