I have been recently working on converting Sternguard Veterans and I needed combi weapons so... I decided to convert some as well. I used a very simple technique and the result looks pretty decent so I decided to share :)
Stuff needed: 1 Bolter, 1 Plasma Pistol, Tools (hobby knife, files, plastic glue)
1) Take a regular bolter and a plasma pistol. Cut off the hand holding the p-pistol.

2) Bolter: Cut off the part marines usually hold in their hand, as seen on the picture below. Be careful when cutting as you may easily damage the clip, which we don't want to remove. Cut off the gun barrel as well, but don't throw it away - we will need it laters!
Plasma pistol: Split the pistol in two parts, as seen in the picture. Basically you want to get rid of the cooler-like looking part and its surrounding area.

3) Again we are going to cut the plasma pistol in half, or what has left of it. This time we need the part with the larger gun-barrel. Ever noticed those little cooling holes on the front of the pistol? You want to cut it in such a way that the piece will have three of these holes on each side - see the picture.

4) File the cutted areas and glue the pieces together. Don't forget on the bolter barrel! Be careful when glueing as any excess glue may damage the detail of the model!
Here's the final result (sorry, I forgot to take a final unpainted picture, but this should be good enough):

Size comparison to the combi-plasma from the commander box:

As you can see, the weapon is pretty compact, so it should work with most of those classical marine poses you can do with the generic marine arms.
Thanks for reading! Comments and criticism is most welcome, as always!
Edit 02/03/2012: If you are interested in more combi-weapons tutorials, here is another one: Simple Combi-Flamer Conversion
Very nice, and simple too.
OdpovědětVymazatThanks for sharing this one.
From the Warp
Very nicely done. I've been trying a similar method for making combi-flamers, but can't seem to get one that looks 'right'. Great looking combi-plasmas though - I'll be trying some of these.
OdpovědětVymazatThank you! If I'll ever have some flamers I could spare, I will try those as well :)
OdpovědětVymazatNice simple conversion. Awesome!
OdpovědětVymazatThank you! :)